Software Testing

Gregory M. Kapfhammer

February 3, 2025

Software programs must work correctly

  • Data structures: does each structure store data correctly?
  • Algorithm: does each algorithm produce the correct output?
  • Benchmarks: is software under study invoked correctly?
  • Data Storage: do the benchmarks store data correctly?
  • Data Analysis: does the software analyze data correctly?

By running a program and checking its output software testing establishes a confidence in its correctness

  • Steps during software testing:
    • Create an input for the program
    • Setup the program’s environment
    • Pass the input to the program
    • Collect the output from the program
    • Compare the output to the expected output

What is the difference between testing and benchmarking?

  • Testing: Use test cases to run the program to confirm that it produces the correct output for a given input
  • Benchmarking: Use timing instrumentation to collect and analyze data about a program’s performance

How would you test the Doubler?

class Doubler:
    def __init__(self, n):
        self._n = 2 * n

    def n(self):
        return self._n

x = Doubler(5)
print(x.n() == 10)
assert(x.n() == 10)
y = Doubler(-4)
print(y.n() == -8)
assert(y.n() == -8)
  • Establishes a confidence in the correctness of the Doubler class
  • When testing is it better to use print or assert statements?

Explore use of the print and assert

  • Key Tasks: After creating assert statements that will pass and fail as expected, decide which you prefer and why! What situations warrant a print statement and which ones require an assert?

Best practices for software testing

  • Answer the following questions when testing:
    • Does the program meet its specification?
    • After changing the program, does it still work correctly?
  • Using assertion statements:
    • print statements require manual checking of output
    • assert statements automatically checks correctness
  • Use a testing framework like pytest or unittest
  • Assess the adequacy of the test suite with

unittest for DayOfTheWeek

import unittest
from dayoftheweek import DayOfTheWeek

class TestDayOfTheWeek(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_init(self):
        d = DayOfTheWeek('F')
        self.assertEqual(, 'Friday')
        d = DayOfTheWeek('Th')
        self.assertEqual(, 'Thursday')

unittest.main(argv=['ignored'], verbosity=2, exit=False)
<unittest.main.TestProgram at 0x7f92741ff860>
  • Call unittest.main differently for tests outside Quarto
  • Run in slides/weekfour/
  • The OK output confirms that the assertions passed

Explore DayOfTheWeek

class DayOfTheWeek:
    """A class to represent a day of the week."""
    def __init__(self, abbreviation):
        """Create a new DayOfTheWeek object."""
        self.abbreviation = abbreviation
        self.name_map = {
            "M": "Monday",
            "T": "Tuesday",
            "W": "Wednesday",
            "Th": "Thursday",
            "F": "Friday",
            "Sa": "Saturday",
            "Su": "Sunday",

    def name(self):
        return self.name_map.get(self.abbreviation)
  • Support the lookup of a day of the week through an abbreviation

Exploring test-driven development in Python

  • Test-driven development asks you to write tests before code:
    • How will you use a function?
    • What are its inputs and outputs?
    • Can you write code to make tests pass?
  • The TDD mantra is Red-Green-Refactor:
    • Red: The tests fail. You haven’t written the code yet!
    • Green: You get the tests to pass by changing the code.
    • Refactor: You clean up the code, removing duplication.

How can you refactor Python code?

L1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
L2 = [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
avg1 = sum(L1)/len(L1)
avg2 = sum(L2)/len(L2)
print("avg(", L1, ") -->", avg1)
print("avg(", L2, ") -->", avg2)
avg( [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] ) --> 3.0
avg( [6, 7, 8, 9, 10] ) --> 8.0
  • This code will not work for empty lists!
  • And, the code is repetitive and hard to read
  • Can we refactor the program to avoid the defect?
L1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
L2 = [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
if len(L1) == 0:
    avg1 = 0
    avg1 = sum(L1) / len(L1)
if len(L2) == 0:
    avg2 = 0
    avg2 = sum(L2) / len(L2)
print("avg(", L1, ") -->", avg1)
print("avg(", L2, ") -->", avg2)
avg( [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] ) --> 3.0
avg( [6, 7, 8, 9, 10] ) --> 8.0
  • This avoids the defect but is repetitive and hard to read!
def avg(L):
    if len(L) == 0:
        return 0
        return sum(L) / len(L)

L1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
L2 = [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
avg1 = avg(L1)
avg2 = avg(L2)
print("avg(", L1, ") -->", avg1)
print("avg(", L2, ") -->", avg2)
avg( [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] ) --> 3.0
avg( [6, 7, 8, 9, 10] ) --> 8.0
  • The avg function avoids the defect and is easier to read!

Bug hunt for average computation

  • Key Tasks: After confirming that the program works for the initial lists in L1 and L2, try to find the defect. Can you make a solution that works for empty lists? How do you know it is correct?

Refactoring in algorithm engineering

  • What is refactoring?
    • Defined: Better code structure without changing features
    • Goal: Enhance characteristics of the software system
  • Why refactor a software system?
    • Readability: Easier for others to understand
    • Maintainability: Simplifies modifications and debugging
    • Reusability: Promotes code reuse through design
    • Performance: Can sometimes improve efficiency

What should we test?

  • For each function, ask yourselves the following questions:
    • What should happen when I run this function?
    • How do I want to use this function?
    • What are the inputs and outputs of this function?
    • What should be the function’s inputs and outputs?
    • What are the edge cases for this function?
  • Test the system’s expected behavior, not its implementation
  • Test the public interface of the program under test
  • Transform detected defects into repeatable test cases
  • Assess the adequacy of the test suite with

Testing often positively influences a program’s object-oriented design

  • Software testing helps to refine an object-oriented design

  • Interplay between testing and object-oriented design:

    • Identify nouns (classes) and verbs (methods)
    • Specify what should happen when you call a method
    • Write a unit test case to encode this expected behavior
    • Confirm that all of the test cases pass correctly
    • Refactor the code to improve its object-oriented design
    • Repeatedly run the test suite to confirm correctness

Don’t benchmark until you are done testing!

  • Testing: Use test cases to run the program to confirm that it produces the correct output for a given input
  • Benchmarking: Use timing instrumentation to collect and analyze data about a program’s performance
  • Running experiments on an incorrect system may comprise experimental results! Run a small trial first!

Improve the performance of testing

  • Test Prioritization: Focus on the most important tests first
  • Test Reduction: Eliminate the redundant test cases
  • Test Parallelization: Run the tests concurrently
  • Combinatorial Testing: Explore test platform combinations
os: [ubuntu-latest]
python-version: ["3.12", "3.10"]
    - os: macos-latest
    python-version: "3.9"
    - os: windows-latest
    python-version: "3.11"

Advanced Software Testing Techniques

  • Parameterized test cases with pytest
  • Property-based testing with hypothesis
  • Test coverage with
  • Mutation testing with mutmut
  • Using artificial intelligence to generate tests

Testing DayOfTheWeek with Pytest

from daydetector.dayoftheweek import DayOfTheWeek

def test_init():
    """Test the DayOfTheWeek class."""
    d = DayOfTheWeek("F")
    assert == "Friday"
    d = DayOfTheWeek("Th")
    assert == "Thursday"
    d = DayOfTheWeek("W")
    assert == "Wednesday"
    d = DayOfTheWeek("T")
    assert == "Tuesday"
    d = DayOfTheWeek("M")
    assert == "Monday"
  • Run poetry run pytest in the daydetector directory

  • pytest will automatically discover and run the tests!

Parameterized Tests with pytest

    "abbreviation, expected",
        ("M", "Monday"),
        ("T", "Tuesday"),
        ("W", "Wednesday"),
        ("Th", "Thursday"),
        ("F", "Friday"),
        ("Sa", "Saturday"),
        ("Su", "Sunday"),
        ("X", None),
def test_day_name(abbreviation, expected):
    """Use parameterized testing to confirm that lookup works correctly."""
    day = DayOfTheWeek(abbreviation)
    assert == expected
  • Express the inputs and the expected outputs in a table!

Property-based test case

import hypothesis.strategies as st
from hypothesis import given
import pytest

    [["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday",
      "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]],
    st.text(alphabet=st.characters(), min_size=1, max_size=2)
def test_abbreviation_maps_to_name(valid_days, abbreviation):
    """Use property-based testing with Hypothesis to confirm mapping."""
    day = DayOfTheWeek(abbreviation)
    assert in valid_days or is None
  • Hypothesis strategies generate random character inputs for the abbreviation parameter, thereby increasing the input diversity

Test coverage with

tests/ ..........                                                                              [100%]

---------- coverage: platform linux, python 3.11.6-final-0 -----------
Name                          Stmts   Miss Branch BrPart  Cover
daydetector/           0      0      0      0   100%
daydetector/       6      0      0      0   100%
TOTAL                             6      0      0      0   100%

10 passed in 0.21s
  • The test suite covers 100% of the program’s source code

  • Covering statements increases the likelihood of detecting defects

  • Do high coverage tests mean that the program is defect-free?

Mutation testing with mutmut

--- daydetector/
+++ daydetector/
@@ -7,15 +7,7 @@
     def __init__(self, abbreviation):
         """Create a new DayOfTheWeek object."""
         self.abbreviation = abbreviation
-        self.name_map = {
-            "M": "Monday",
-            "T": "Tuesday",
-            "W": "Wednesday",
-            "Th": "Thursday",
-            "F": "Friday",
-            "Sa": "Saturday",
-            "Su": "Sunday",
-        }
+        self.name_map = None
  • mutmut changes the program to see if tests find possible defect

  • Mutation operators systematically modify the program’s code

Can you reproduce the software testing examples from these slides?

  • Use
  • Software testing commands you can try:
    • poetry install
    • poetry run pytest
    • poetry run pytest --cov --cov-branch
    • poetry run mutmut run
    • poetry run mutmut show 16
  • What does output tell you about program and/or test quality?

Oh, one more thing! Did you know that some of the test cases you see in were written by a large language model?

  • What are the benefits and downsides of using artificial intelligence (AI) to generate tests?

  • What are situations in which you should and should not use AI to generate tests?

What are the performance trade-offs associated with software testing?

  • Questions to consider when performing software testing:
    • When should you run the test suite?
    • How frequently should you run the test suite?
    • How can you reduce the cost of:
      • … test execution?
      • … coverage monitoring?
      • … mutation testing?
  • How do you balance the costs and benefits of software testing?